BT104 Organism and Populations

Human Development.pdf

Chapter 1. Plant Form and Function1.pdf

Chapter 2. Reproduction of Flowering Plant.pdf

Chapter 3. Plant Response to Stimuli.pdf

Chapter 4. Virus, Bacteria, and Archaea.pdf

Chapter 5. Fungi.pdf

Chapter 6 . Plantae.pdf

Chapter 7. Animal Tissue.pdf

Chapter 8. Neuvous system.pdf

Chapter 9. Material Exchange.pdf

Chapter 10. The Animal Diversity.pdf

BT102 Cells and Molecules

Chapter 1.pdf

Chapter 2.pdf

Chapter 3.pdf

Chapter 4.pdf

Chapter 5.pdf

Chapter 6.pdf

Chapter 7.pdf

Chapter 8.pdf

BT206 Biochemistry I

Can Tho Lecture 1 2012.ppt [Compatibility Mode].pdf

Can Tho Lecture 2 2012.ppt [Compatibility Mode].pdf

Can Tho lecture 3 notes.ppt [Compatibility Mode].pdf

Can Tho Lecture 4 (1).ppt [Compatibility Mode].pdf

Can Tho Lecture 5B.ppt [Compatibility Mode].pdf

Can Tho Lecture 6.ppt [Compatibility Mode].pdf

Can Tho Lecture 6B.pdf

Can Tho Lecture 6f.ppt [Compatibility Mode].pdf

Can Tho Lecture 7.ppt [Compatibility Mode].pdf

Can Tho Lecture 8.pdf

Can Tho Lecture 9.pdf

Can Tho Lecture updated 7.ppt [Compatibility Mode].pdf

CanTho Lecture 4c.pdf

Lecture 5 notes Can Tho.ppt [Compatibility Mode].pdf

lecture 10 in progress.pdf

BT208 Biochemistry II

Citric acid cycle.pdf

fatty acid metabolism.pdf

Glycogen metabolism.pdf

Glycolysis and gluconeogenesis.pdf

Oxydative Phosphorylation.pdf


Urea cycle.pdf

BT310 Protein chemistry

Chapter 1-water and weak interactions.pdf

Chapter 2- amino acid.pdf

Chapter 3- analysis protein structure.pdf

Chapter 4-protein denaturation.pdf

Chapter 5-Protein folding.pdf

Chapter 6-Protein homolog.pdf

Chapter 7- proteomics part 2.pdf

Chapter 7-Proteomics part 1.pdf

BT311 Food  Biochemistry

Lecture 1-carbohydrate.pdf

Lecture 2 - Proteins_in_food.pdf

Lecture 3- Lipids.pdf

Lecture 4- Colors.pdf

BT314 General virology


Methods__used_in_virology(C2)for MSc.pdf

Virus structure (C3)new.pdf

Virus transmission (C4).pdf

Attachment and entry of viruses into cells (C5).pdf

Transcriptiom, Translation and transport (C6).pdf

Virus genome replication (C7).pdf

Assembly and exit of virion from cells(C8).pdf

Classification and nomenclature of viruses (C9).pdf

BT313 Biodiversity

Biodiversity - An Introduction.pdf


BT212 Bio-informatics





BT301 Basic Biotechnology

MMG 445 Basic Biotechnology eJournal_Web.doc

MMG 445 Basic Biotechnology_Transgenics.pdf

- Outline_MMG 445 Basic Biotechnology.pdf

- Textbook basic biotechnology.doc

BT417 Food and Animal Toxicology

- Food toxicology.pdf

- Veterinary toxicology basic and clinical principles.pdf

BT308 Plant and Tissue Culture

- CoverCourse_Biotech_Plant.pdf

- Ch01planttransformation.pdf

- Ch02functionalgenomics.pdf

- Ch03transgeniccropplants.pdf

- Ch04genetic engineering.pdf

- Ch05transgene expressionHT.pdf

- Ch06silencingVR.pdf

- Ch07possibilitiesGM.pdf

BT302 Molecular Biology

- CoverCourse_MolecularBiology_Plant.pdf

- Ch01_Genes and genomes.pdf

- Ch1genesgenomesgenetics.pdf

- Ch2Genes&expression.pdf

- Ch3generegulation&epigenetics.pdf

- Ch4DNAreplication&PCR.pdf

- Ch5 DNA Sequence Analysis.pdf

- Ch6DNAanalysis&phylogeny.pdf

- Ch7restrictionanalysis.pdf

BT211 Research Methodology

- CoverCourse_Scientific_Method.pdf

- 01_Scientific research_Method.pdf

- 02_BasicResearchMethod.pdf

- 03_Research_Methodology.pdf

- 04_Writing Scientific Manuscripts Presentation.pdf

- 05_Finalreview.pdf

BT301 Basic Biotechnogy (file zip)

BT202 Fundamental Genetics (file zip)

BT204 Introductory Microbiology (file zip)

- Introductory Microbiology.pdf 

BT205 Introductory Microbiology Lab (file zip)

BT411 Plant Molecular Biology (file zip)

Prokaryotic Cell Physiology (file zip)

BT302 Introduction to Molecular Biology

- Lecture1.pdf

- Lecture2.pdf

- Lecture7.pdf

- Lectures3-4.pdf

- Lectures5-6.pdf

- Lectures12-13.pdf

- Lectures14-15.pdf

- pg1-09-27-04.pdf

- Weinreich_16_17.ppt

BT107 Physis for Scientists and Engineers

- Elementary Mechanics and Thermodynamics - J_ Norbury.pdf

- C1-part 1_2_3.ppt

- C1-part 4_5.ppt

- C2-part 1_2_3.ppt

BT109 General Chemistry

- Acid-Base.ppt

- Chapter 4.ppt

- Chapter 5.ppt

- cem151.pdf

- cem152.pdf

- cem161.pdf

- cem162.pdf

- cem181honors.pdf

- cem182honors.pdf

- cem185honors.pdf

- cem251.pdf

- cem351.pdf

- cem352.pdf

- CEM-151 Schedule.pdf

- CEM 151 Fall 2007.pdf

- CHEMISTRY 161 FALL 2007.pdf

MM433C Advanced Genetic Engineering

- Day_1_-_DNA.pdf

- Day_2_-_DNA_manipulation.pdf

- Day_3_-_transcription_and_RNA_Processing.pdf

- Day_4_-__Translation_and_Protein_Process.pdf

- Day_5_-_Gene_Regulation.pdf

- Day_6_-_Global_Networks_and_Quorum_Sensi.pdf

- Day_7_-_Transformation__Plasmids__Conjug.pdf

- Day_8_-_Bacteriophage.pdf

- Day_9_-__Mutagenesis__Genetic_Analysis_a.pdf

BT407 Plant Breeding and Biotechnology

- ch1aGenes and genomes.ppt

- ch1bGenes and genomes.ppt

- Ch2DNAreplication&applications.ppt

- Ch3DNAanalysis&phylogeny.ppt

- Ch4recombinantDNA.ppt

- Ch5hybridisationSNPRFLP.ppt


- Ch7molecular markers in breeding.ppt

- Ch8fingerprint&diversity.ppt

- Ch9geneticlinkage.ppt

- Ch10planttransformation.ppt

- Ch11functionalgenomics.ppt

- Ch12transgeniccropplants.ppt

BT202 Fundamental_Genetics

- Genetics_Syllabus.pdf

- Genetics_Textbook.pdf

BT314 Virology

- 1.a_Introductory_Virus.pdf

- 1.b_Virus.pdf

- 2.Virus.pdf

- 3.Virology.pdf

- 4.Viruses.pdf

- 5.MM445_Lec3_2001.pdf

- 6.Plant Viruses.ppt

- 7.Virus in medicine (Khang).pdf

- Virology_Texbook.pdf

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